30 March, 2011

welcome back!

Having successfully completed over 1 year of not blogging, my mind and heart have been refreshed to begin again.  God has been good and gracious this past year (I laugh at even thinking He would be anything different), and what He has taught me has filled up to overflowing and the desire to share, write, teach, and examine life is in full force.  There have also been the gracious comments of multiple friends and readers who have persuaded me to pick up my "pen."  That they would want to know what I think and read what I write is humbling, and I thank them for their kind words.  Hopefully I won't disappoint.

I don't have anything substantive today, but in the next few days and over the coming weeks I hope to have some posts on the following topics (though not necessarily in this order):
  • How to kill sin once and for all (Luke 9:23)
  • Calvin's dilemma: Where to begin? (Book 1: Institutes of the Christian Religion)
  • Finding God to find the self (a commentary on the social dilemma of "who am I?")
  • Daily Life: What mold are you being formed to fit? (the cross in daily life: a theology of the practical)
  • gratis pro deo
  • Calling and vocation (a look at the western church's impact on "work" and the Christian)
  • Responding to God's call (who, what, and where)
On another note, you can follow the blog (and me) on twitter @chrisperkinson.  I will update on Facebook as well. 

All in all...welcome back!  To me and to you!!

Christo et doctinae, soli Deo gloria

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